Aquaporin to clean Turkey’s wastewater in collaboration with ÖKOTEK Çevre Teknolojisi ve Kimya San

Being a water-stressed country witnessing increasing sustainability demands, Turkey is in urgent need of water recycling solutions. To help solve Turkey’s industrial wastewater issues, the Danish water technology company Aquaporin has established a partnership with the local distributor ÖKOTEK to enable Turkey’s industries to reuse up to 95 % of their wastewater.
Water pollution is a pressing problem
Turkey’s industry thrives with its diverse industrial landscape embracing everything from automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical production to electronics and textile factories. However, industries consume a large amount of water, and on a global scale more than 80 % of wastewater from human activities, such as manufacturing, is discharged into waterways untreated. As an example, 20 % of all water pollution can be traced back to the dyeing and treatment of textiles. The Aquaporin Inside®technology empowers industries to recycle wastewater and thereby avoid contributing to the devastating effect water pollution has on the world’s clean water reserves, marine life and eco systems.
Industries can reuse up to 95 % of their wastewater with Aquaporin’s technology
Covered in a thin layer of aquaporins – nature’s own water purifiers – Aquaporin’s forward osmosis membranes and solutions for industrial wastewater treatment reject all unwanted compounds such as chemicals and colors. This makes it possible for industries to safely reuse up to 95 % of their wastewater and thereby minimize both water consumption and pollution.
“The ultimate goal is zero liquid discharge where all water is cleaned, repurposed and reused. We are honored to have signed a distributor agreement with ÖKOTEK and moving one step closer to realizing this goal. First off is our forward osmosis membranes, and later ÖKOTEK will also have our brackish water membranes in their portfolio,” says Søren Robenhagen, Sales Director, Industrial Water, Aquaporin.
ÖKOTEK blue stamps Aquaporin’s solutions’ applicability in Turkey
ÖKOTEK is one of only two pioneers on the Turkish market providing innovative water treatment technologies to industries across the country. With more than 30 years of experience in the water sector, ÖKOTEK advises their large network of system integrators and end-customers on the use of forward osmosis. Wastewater streams vary significantly in construction and complexity why proximity is crucial when implementing full-scale water treatment systems. The partnership with ÖKOTEK ensures Aquaporin’s solutions can be tested on ground in Turkey before they are implemented.
“We are pleased to be able to offer Aquaporin’s novel technology to our customers and advance water sustainability in Turkey,” says Şebnem Aybige Barlas, Vice President at ÖKOTEK.
With a preexisting distributor of their drinking water purifiers, Aquaporin is happy to now offer Turkey solutions for both industrial wastewater and drinking water. Covering all of Turkey, Nordic Foreign Trade Ltd. is reselling Aquaporin’s revolutionary home water purifiers to improve the accessibility to clean, great-tasting tap water.
More information
About ÖKOTEK Çevre Teknolojisi ve Kimya San
Founded in 1990, Ökotek is a pioneer and trusted provider of environmental technologies and tailored technical solutions for wastewater treatment and water cycle management. Ökotek offers its customers full technical support and develops cost effective, competitive and low-energy solutions to the Turkish market in close collaboration with international partners.
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Further inquiries
Please contact:
Søren Robenhagen
Sales Director, Industrial Water, Aquaporin
+45 5373 8783