Notice convening the annual general meeting of Aquaporin A/S

Company announcement no. 3/2022
The Annual General Meeting of Aquaporin A/S will be held onWednesday, 27 April 2022 at 16:30 (CEST)at the Company’s office, Nymøllevej 78, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
The agenda for the annual general meeting i:
- The Board of Directors’ report on the Company’s activities in the past financial year
- Presentation and adoption of the annual report
- Distribution of profit or covering of loss according to the adopted annual report
- Resolution to grant discharge of liability to the Board of Directors and the Executive Management
- Presentation of the remuneration report for the past financial year for an advisory vote
- Approval of remuneration for the Board of Directors for the current financial year
- Election of members to the Board of Directors
- Election of auditor
- Authorisation to acquire treasury shares
- Any proposals from the Board of Directors or shareholders (No proposals on the agenda)
- Any other business
The agenda is further described in the enclosed notice for the Annual General Meeting.
A shareholder who wishes to attend the general meeting must notify the company of his/her attendance no later than Friday, 22 April 2022 at 23:59 (CEST).
Please refer to the notice for further information.
The notice for the Annual General Meeting, including Appendix: Candidates for the Board of Directors, is enclosed.
For further information, please contact:
Matt Boczkowski, CEO
Mikkel Tanderup, Head of Investor Relations
Contact information: +45 53 55 55 05,