Notice convening the annual general meeting 2024

Aquaporin A/S, Nymøllevej 78, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby,, Company registration no.: DK28315694
Company announcement
No. 08/2024
Copenhagen, Denmark, April 5, 2024 (ticker: AQP) – The Board of Directors of Aquaporin A/S (“Aquaporin” or the “Company”), hereby convenes the annual general meeting of Aquaporin to be held on:
Monday, April 29, 2024, at 16:00 (CEST)
at the Company’s office, Nymøllevej 78, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark with the following agenda
- The Board of Directors’ report on the Company’s activities in the past financial year
- Presentation and adoption of the annual report
- Distribution of profit or covering of loss according to the adopted annual report
- Resolution to grant discharge of liability to the Board of Directors and the Executive Management
- Presentation of the remuneration report for the past financial year for an advisory vote
- Approval of remuneration for the Board of Directors for the current financial year
- Election of members to the Board of Directors
- Election of auditor
- Authorisation to acquire treasury shares
- Any proposals from the Board of Directors or shareholders
- Proposal to amend the Articles of Association with a new Article 3.2 regarding a new authorisation to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital without pre-emptive rights at market price
- Proposal to amend the Articles of Association with a new Article 3.3 regarding a new authorisation to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital with pre-emptive rights, which may be below market price
- Proposal to delete the current Article 3.5 regarding combined maximum authorisation to increase the share capital
- Proposal to update the Company’s current indemnification scheme for the Board of Directors and Executive Management
- Indemnification of the Board of Directors
- Indemnification of the Executive Management
- Amendment to the Articles of Association
- Amendment to the Remuneration Policy
- Approval of the Company’s Remuneration Policy
- Proposal to amend the Articles of Association to renew and increase the existing authorisation to issue warrants
- Any other business
For complete proposals, please see the attached notice convening the annual general meeting.
A shareholder who wishes to attend the general meeting must notify the Company of his/her attendance no later than Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 23:59 (CEST).
Please refer to the notice for further information.
The notice convening the annual general meeting, including Appendix 1: Candidates for the Board of Directors and Appendix 2: Proposed Remuneration Policy, is attached.
For further information, please contact:
Klaus Juhl Wulff, Chief Financial Officer
Tel.: +45 25 63 39 90, email:
About Aquaporin A/S
Aquaporin is an innovative water technology company with operations in Denmark (HQ), Singapore, Turkey, the United States, and China. We are committed to rethinking water filtration with biotechnology to solve global water challenges. By combining three disciplines from the world of natural sciences: biology, chemistry, and physics, we have created the unique, nature-inspired Aquaporin Inside® technology which we embed into all our membranes and solutions. Our technology is based on Nobel Prize-winning research and is used to clean and reuse water in industries, in our homes, and even by NASA in space. We work with customers and partners around the globe to responsibly treat industrial wastewater, concentrate food and beverage products in a natural way, and enhance drinking water quality and accessibility.